About Us

We are a team of passionate language learners who truly believe in the power that language has in connecting people together.

Our mission at Tokimonki is to:

Equip language learners with practical language skills to better connect and contribute to our world.

Learning a second language is hard! Whether you are picking up a new language to learn more about a country and its culture, or trying to hone your heritage tongue to connect more deeply with your family and heritage, one of the fastest and most practical ways to learn is to simply learn from a native speaker.

The only issue is, opportunities to practice with native speakers can be hard to come by when study, work and friends all have you speaking and operating in your first language (e.g. English)!

But when you do proactively seek out these opportunities...
- It can be very costly! (Think doing private tutoring or paying for a University language course)
- It can feel pretty disorganised and unsafe when you don't even know anything about the person you are practicing with.

If you relate to these struggles of learning languages in a practical way, then Tokimonki can help!

Check out how!

Yours in finding effective language practice,
The Tokimonki team